Calculating the Hidden Cost of Alzheimer’s Disease
When policymakers consider the costs of dementias like Alzheimer’s disease, they consider both direct and indirect costs.
When policymakers consider the costs of dementias like Alzheimer’s disease, they consider both direct and indirect costs.
There are things you can do to keep the brain sharp, small daily habits which can reduce the risk of cognitive decline.
Seniors are being presented with more living options than ever before.
Powerful “power of attorney” (POA) documents are essential.
The importance of making end of life preparations cannot be stressed enough.
Sometimes Successor Trustees do much of the work involved in managing property for the incapacitated trust-maker.
A family caregiving meeting is an essential tool when dealing with the care of an aging loved one.
Your friend Rose has created a trust and she would like you to be her trustee.
Estimates are that more than 14 million Americans will be diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease by the year 2050.
There are variety of new options emerging in technology that can improve resident security in senior living.
Deciding when to take your social security benefits involves numerous factors.
Most people dream of the day they can retire. The problem is that many do not move beyond dreaming to planning.
Choosing a nursing home for a loved one is an important decision and should be carefully considered.
The mental stimulation and joy it can bring are just beginning to be tapped for the senior market.
It can be complicated trying to adequately plan for long-term care and consider gifting. We can guide you through the planning and gifting process.
There are resources to dealing with spousal dementia in MidCoast Maine.
A significant number of older people lack any type of estate plan.
Maine Seniors Working. Many people over the age of 55 are finding they need to work longer, or that they want to start a new business or a new venture.
The costs of dementia can be devastating to the affected individual and their family. While scientists continue to search for solutions to the debilitating condition, the families affected with it must face its challenges.
I’m hearing this all too often: People in times of crisis are letting the nursing home do their mainecare application.
In sixty seconds, learn one of the most important analysis you can conduct to save taxes for your estate.
Your old estate plan could be costing your estate a fortune in taxes.
Minute Estate Planner – PODCAST
Learn the 3 things you absolutely must know when or before applying for Mainecare. It could save you hundreds of thousands of dollars…
Those starting to think about estate planning sometimes think there is a choice between probate avoidance/cost savings versus achieving effective estate planning goals. Penbay Estate Planning Law Center thinks you can achieve both.
Although a power of attorney is a useful document to have in an emergency it is not a substitute for an estate plan.
Our support systems include our family members, professional colleagues, neighbors, and our friends. Without our supporters, we would be unable to continue doing what we love.
Learn how to plan for a possible future disability, and why it is more important than you think. Senior disability planning in Camden Maine, Rockport, Rockland, Belfast, – Midcoast Maine
The Family Compact is a legally enforceable set of documents meant to permit parents the right to ask about their child and intervene in emergencies.
Read about common misconceptions and traps for the unwary that could reduce the value of your estate to zero.