How to Probate a Will in Maine
Probate checklist, with forms and online filing instructions. Avoid being liable for the debts of the estate when you Probate a will in Maine. Probate lawyer explains some of the tips and traps for the unwary.
Probate checklist, with forms and online filing instructions. Avoid being liable for the debts of the estate when you Probate a will in Maine. Probate lawyer explains some of the tips and traps for the unwary.
We want to continuously update your estate plan as your life changes.
Personal representatives, beware. Do not distribute assets to beneficiaries before the balance of the estate’s taxes and all outstanding debts are completely paid or dismissed by the probate court.
For most of us, estate planning is one of the most challenging topics to discuss with our parents. Even broaching the subject can seem daunting. Despite the challenging nature of this subject, it is one of the most important conversations we can have with our parents.
Reviewing your estate planning documents with your attorney will ensure that your desired changes will address your new need without negatively impacting your overall intentions. Call us today at 207-236-4888 to discuss your estate planning goals.
The recently unveiled Build Back Better Act has the possibility of having drastic impacts on commonly used estate planning techniques.
As the owner of a small business, you cannot control everything. Most owners should anticipate at least one lawsuit over the life of their business. However, with careful planning, you might be able to beat the odds by taking steps to minimize risks. At the very least, a lawsuit mitigation plan can help your business avoid a legal threat. For help with your lawsuit risk mitigation strategy, please contact us.
A lot has changed since last summer, but the same federal and state laws still apply to employers that hire seasonal employees. If your business is considering bringing on summer help to handle an increased workload, you may need a refresher on navigating benefits, taxes, overtime, pay, and employment of teenage workers.
In today’s competitive job market, giving gifts and other fringe benefits to employees can be an effective way for employers to show appreciation. But generous employers should understand that most gifts and bonuses—even small ones—have tax implications.
Do you have a high net worth and need estate planning? Read our blog about Irrevocable Life Insurance Trusts and wealth management.
An asset purchase agreement (APA) is a contract that specifies the terms and conditions for the sale and purchase of a business or certain business assets. If you are buying or selling a business read this.
A will is a legally binding directive stating who will receive your property upon your death and is an important part of a comprehensive estate plan.
Learn about franchising a business. Investing in a franchise can be a great business opportunity. But before you sign a franchise agreement and invest any money, you should closely review all documents with help from a qualified business lawyer.
Owning a business can impact every area of a person’s life. The impact is uniquely felt within a marriage. Married business owners must consider the ways in which their marriage may impact their business and vice versa.
Whether you need basic information about eldercare resources and services, are looking for a local agency to provide those services, or have worries about legal documents or how to finance your parents’ care needs now or in the future, the time to begin planning is today.
The moral of the story? If King wanted to change his 2015 estate plan, he should have consulted an attorney. He never should have created a document that was open to such serious challenge, especially given the number of marriages and children involved, at a time when his health was frail.
Corporate bylaws are one of the most critical documents to have in place. Bylaws lay the corporation’s foundations and include important information that your directors will use to run and govern your business.
Understand the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Form 1099 and determine when it is necessary to file one if you are a LLC.
Employers may be required to pay nonexempt employees for work completed at home, even if the work was completed without the employers’ knowledge. Here’s why you should track remote employee’s time.
The LifeCounsel® Petcare Power of Attorney™ is a Maine power of attorney form specifically limited and adapted to cover any animals you may own. It’s available for free download. Download it, print it, fill out a few details, and sign it before a notary. Then if you are away, or have an unexpected absence from home, you have already given someone the authority to retrieve your pets, feed them, and get them vet care if needed.
Most elements of business branding—name, logo, design—are readily available online, making it easier for people to knowingly or unknowingly use the intellectual property of others. As a business owner, you must prioritize both protecting your own trademarks and avoiding infringement of others’ marks.
MaineCare can be a good option for paying for nursing home care. Learn what is involved with doing the application the right way.