Re-opening after Covid-19
How to Reopen Your Business After COVID-19 Jesse Bifulco, Attorney, Camden Maine Despite the uncertainty that has accompanied the COVID-19 pandemic and that still lies ahead, one thing remains certain: Most businesses will eventually reopen. On April 16, 2020,...
3 Tips for Retirement Account or IRA Protection After the SECURE Act
The SECURE act has changed your retirement account forever. What should you do? Find out before there is a problem

What is Estate Planning? Or How to Get a Great Estate Plan Without Having to Learn How to Build and Fly a Commercial Jetliner
Good estate planning protects assets and prevents family conflict. But did you know you could get a great plan without becoming a lawyer yourself?
Understanding the Term “Sound Mind”
Estate litigation lawyers can help many potential clients with different issues regarding an estate dispute. One of the most common reasons for a dispute to occur is lack of mental capacity. Many people assume that when a will contains no contest clauses, it cannot be...What Small Business Owners Should Know About the COVID-19 Stimulus Package
The federal government has earmarked $377 million to help small businesses avoid failure and encourage them to retain their workforces. Here are the most important things for small business owners in MidCoast Maine need to know about the CARES Act.

Patients Accessing Health Services Virtually During COVID-19
Through the use of videoconferencing over wireless devices and remote health tech monitoring, telehealth can connect patients to vital health care services.

Choosing a Lawyer Making a Will
Choosing a Lawyer and Making a Will

Estate Planning During the COVID-19 Pandemic
The coronavirus pandemic has created the scramble to set up wills and end-of-life-directives.

Changes in Retirement Planning Trends
In France, proposals to raise the retirement age are met with street protests. Yet around the world, the retirement age is creeping up; in the United States, it is moving up from 65 to 67.

The Impact of Coronavirus on Seniors
We are living in confusing and scary times. The senior population has been identified as the most at-risk demographic for COVID-19.
COVID-19 Prompts Fed to Delay Tax Payment Deadline
To help answer common questions about the 2020 tax season, we’ve created a tax “cheat sheet.

The Consequences of Adding a Child’s Name to Your Bank Account
Although it can be useful to have another party available to keep track of bills when you’re sick or away, adding a child’s name to a bank account may be more of a hassle than it’s worth.

Asset Protection for Federal Employee TSP Thrift Savings Plan
Federal retirees can protect their Thrift Savings Plan for their surviving spouse…

The Baby Boomer Generation in the 2020s
The guiding forces behind baby boomer life in the 2020s are high expectations during a much longer retirement, more investment choices but less investment safety, and rising interest rates.

Changing Views in Memory Care Living Facilities
Alzheimer’s is also one of the most expensive diseases to treat and often results in financial strain on families trying to find and pay for the best care.
What Is an S Corporation and Should I Form One?
Contrary to popular belief, the S corporation is not a distinct entity type. According to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), an S corporation is a corporation that has elected treatment as a pass-through entity for federal income tax purposes under Subchapter S of the Internal Revenue Code.
Understanding How LLC Members Pay Taxes
Limited liability companies (LLCs) are one of the most popular types of business entities. The LLC’s flexible taxation options are one reason it is preferred; LLC members can, for the most part, choose how they would like to be taxed. The LLC enjoys this flexibility because the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) does not recognize it as a distinct entity for federal tax purposes
Filing Business Taxes in Maine
For most entrepreneurs, handling business taxes is a daunting but necessary task. The complexities of tax preparation often lead business owners to procrastinate or neglect proper record keeping and tax deadlines.

Understand the Importance of a Living Will
A living will lays out your preferences for life-sustaining medical treatment.

Blended Families Highlight the Need for Careful Planning
Blended families highlight the need for careful estate planning to make sure the needs of each spouse are met, as well as the needs of each parents’ children.

How to Bring Up the Subject of Your Inheritance and Get the Best Advice
Tips on how to talk about your inheritance, and what to plan for…

Study Provides New Insights on Parkinson’s Disease
Parkinson’s disease is a neurodegenerative disorder that causes a progression of symptoms.

The Established Link Between Diet, Exercise, and Alzheimer’s
Concerns about your memory or that of a loved one should never be ignored.

The Challenges of Caregiving for a Spouse
The Challenges of Caregiving for a Spouse Jesse Bifulco, Attorney, Camden Maine Caring for a seriously ill spouse can trigger relationship challenges. In the process of change, you can lose your best friend, your love, and your future as you both had imagined it....
What should you do to prepare for an inheritance?
A good plan avoids unnecessary loss of assets, and prevents unnecessary family conflict. An estate planning attorney can help.

Congress Passes the SECURE Act of 2020
The impact of the SECURE Act to some retirees, near-retirees, and their future beneficiaries is profound, and it is imperative to schedule a review of your retirement, estate, and trust plans.

The Long-Term Care Crisis in America
Americans are facing an escalating long-term care (LTC) crisis.

If you relocate, do you need to update your will in Maine?
Relocating to Maine? Time to review your will, and estate plan

Topics to Address When Caring for an Aging Parent
It is essential to bring up a parent’s aging expectations and set goals together even though initial discussions may be uncomfortable.

An Update on Spousal Impoverishment Protections
Federal spousal impoverishment protections were set to lapse in March 2019.