Estate Planning Workshops
DUE TO COVID-19, IN OFFICE WORKSHOPS ARE SUSPENDED – But you can watch from the safety and comfort of your home! ON-DEMAND OR A ZOOM WEBINAR!
Learn what it takes to plan and protect your estate. Register today to start the process. Our workshops cover Asset and Nursing Home Protection, Business Essentials: Starting or Running Business in Maine, Estate Planning for Your Pets, and Saving the Family Camp, Estate Planning for a Second Home.
Penbay Estate Planning Law Center Workshops
IN-OFFICE WORKSHOPS ARE SUSPENDED FOR NOW – We have moved the workshops online! Watch from the comfort and safety of your own home. The Workshops are designed to show participants what can be done. Allied Professionals are welcome.

Wills & Trusts Explained
This Workshop covers the basics of estate planning with a focus on asset protection. Learn what estate planning techniques are the best way to protect your family or beneficiaries.

Best Ways To Leave Assets To Adult Children

Qualifying For MaineCare While Planning Your Estate
This Workshop covers applying for MaineCare and protecting your assets. MaineCare applications are time sensitive. Every month that passes – could be another month of private pay. Learn the system and how to get the best benefits for your comfort and those you love. Have questions? Ask us ahead of time, at the webinar, or afterwards at your FREE consultation.
Featured Talks & Speakers
Presenter, Jesse Bifulco is an estate planning attorney with over twenty years’ experience. He is committed to giving his clients the tools they need to plan and protect for their family. A second generation attorney, Jesse founded his own law firm in 1996. He works with estate planning attorneys nationally to develop and implement the most effective estate planning techniques.

Estate Planning Attorney, Jesse Bifulco
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66 Elm Street
Camden, ME 04843
12 Stillwater Suite 4
Bangor, ME 04401